
If your terrarium looks unhappy, the trick is to act quickly, and it will likely bounce back.


You are more likely to disturb the balance in your terrarium with too much water, than too little. If in doubt, check the consistency of the substrate (soil layer) of your terrarium. You can read more on this in the General Care section.

Even growth

Depending on the lighting, you may notice more growth on one side of your terrarium than the other. To encourage even growth, It’s a good idea to rotate your terrarium occasionally. Rotating it once a month, or once every couple of months should suffice.


Glass magnifies both heat and light, so along with keeping it away from direct sunlight, it’s a good idea to keep your terrariums away from direct sources of heat, such as radiators in the winter.

Terrariums can thrive in temperatures between 10 - 26 degrees celcius. If you notice a sudden increase in condensation in your terrarium without having added any water, this is a sign that your terrarium is too hot. You can either move it to a cooler spot or pop the lid ajar to allow some of the heat to escape while temperatures are high.

Seasonal Changes

Pay attention to seasonal changes to the lighting in your home. You may see natural light appear in different areas of your home throughout the year.


The plants in your terrarium are relatively slow growing and can take up to 4 years to fill the space in the glass. If you enjoy the overgrown jungle look, simply allow your terrarium to grow naturally. If you prefer the manicured look, you can trim the leaves of your plants as desired using clean scissors. You can also order tools to help you maintain your terrarium in our DIY shop.


General Care

